Samples can be picked up by Primoris on demand. Specialized transportation firms are subcontracted to take care of your samples. Of course you can organize shipment of samples yourself or deliver them personally (whatever is most convenient). We have set up specific guidelines on sampling, sample packaging and sample pick-up. You can download these guidelines under 'Documents'.

During office hours you can visit our sample reception, but even outside the office hours you can deposit your samples at Primoris (24/24, 7/7). For more information about this service, please contact our customer care team.

In order to ensure a good registration of your sample, please add an analysis request form to your shipment or register you sample in our extranet databaseThis way our colleagues of sample registration have all the information they need to start the analysis.

If the samples need to be analyzed in 8 hourswe ask you to stick this label clearly on the outside of the box and inform our customer care team by email.